If you’re thinking of adding a pond to your garden, then you’ll want it to be as safe as possible, especially if you have small children or pets. Starting from scratch with your pond products is the easiest way to design the safest pond, but you can also make adjustments to existing ponds if you need to. Here’s how:
Put up a fence around it
If you have small children this is the best thing you can do. It can be wooden and decorative, or a Full Privacy Fencing as it could be more utilitarian; either way, the children should not be able to get through it without you being there.
Dig sloping edges
If a child or a pet manages to get through the fence (they are surprisingly clever when it comes to getting into trouble!), then sloping or stepped edges in the pond will help them to clamber out. Pond liners can become very slippery due to algae, so rocks and grid-steps along the sides is especially useful.
Put in a wire mesh cover
If you don’t want a big fence, then the next best thing is a wire cover over the surface of the pond. If a child does fall over, the mesh will stop them sinking – they will get a bit damp, though. You can also make a couple of custom aluminium metal signs to explain why the wire mesh is there.
Secure any decorations
If you have sculptures or, say, a bird bath, near the pond, then children may be tempted to climb or “ride” on them. If the ornaments aren’t secured, they could easily topple over, landing the child in the water.
Fit a pool alarm
Pool alarms work well in ponds, too. They sound if something – a child or a pet – falls into the water. If you have big fish – koi carp, for example – in the pond, then their movements may trigger the alarm, so a surface-level alarm might not be the best option. You can also get alarms which go off when something gets too close to the pond, before they even get close enough to fall in.
Dig your pond so that it can be seen from the house
Of course, you will be supervising your children when they’re near the pond, but there may be times when they sneak out or neighboring children sneak in. This is when accidents can occur because you’re not aware. If the pond is clearly visible from several windows, then you’ve got a better chance of spotting the kids approaching it or playing near it. If they know that you’ve got hawk-eyes, they’ll think twice about sneaking up to the pond, and you’ll be able to avert danger before it has much of a chance. Adding some strategically placed outdoor landscape lighting can further improve visibility. This makes it much safer during winter months where this is less sunlight and during the late evenings. That way, you don’t have to worry so much about your little ones falling in. Making it easier to keep an eye on the pond will improve your peace of mind greatly. You might also consider placing a few garden chairs or a bench nearby to create a designated observation spot, ensuring that you can comfortably supervise the area while enjoying your outdoor space. So, ensure that you are vigilant while coming up with a thoughtful design, either by yourself or through a contractor. In this way, you can create a safer environment and reduce the risk of accidents.
Don’t forget to also ensure that you have pond management inspections done either bi-monthly or monthly, to ensure that the water is safe and any treatments are put into it. It is one thing for a child to fall in and be in danger but if they fall in, hurt themselves, and then get sick because you have not properly looked after your pond, then you may be in trouble. Inspections help a lot and should always be considered.
Cut back any overhanging branches
If your pond has any trees right next to it, then you should cut any overhanging branches right back. This not only prevents children from climbing over the pond – imagine how easy it is to fall straight down into the water – but it also stops leaves and other debris from falling into it. If there are any other bushes or big plants obscuring your view of the pond from the house, then these should go, too.