When the real estate agent is taking you on a few property viewings, they seem to heap nothing but praise on the options they’re showing you, undoubtedly thinking about that big fat cheque they’re going to get in commission. Close the deal however and you realise that you missed quite a few pointers which may […]
Month: April 2017
Fun Ways To Promote Fitness In Your Household
Fitness is important for people, no matter what age you are. Introducing fitness into your family is a smart thing to do, and it can be a fun thing. You need to do what you can to teach your children how to live a healthy lifestyle, which includes teaching them the fundamentals of fitness.
Prep Your Patio For Summer Entertaining With These 4 Tips
How you style your home plays a big role in whether or not your house is an entertaining hotspot or something of a social dead zone. If you don’t have somewhere to serve drinks and your furniture is covered in dog hair, it’s unlikely that all of your friends are going to be gathering in […]
Adopting A Healthier Lifestyle
There are a lot of things that go into adopting a healthier lifestyle and there are many reasons to consider be a healthier person. Not only does being healthier make you healthier, but it also helps the people around you. Smoking and other pollutants you put in the air harm more than just yourself.
4 Tips to Dig Your Way Out of Credit Card Debt
Many people find it a nightmare to look for a way to end credit card debt. There remains no quick-fix solution to make debt disappear. Coming into a large windfall like an inheritance or the lottery would be the closest options. To reliably and successfully clear debt, you will need to pick a sound strategy. […]
Smart Money Moves That Will Change Your Life
When you get used to a certain lifestyle it can be difficult to change those habits, even if you must. If you lost your job you may need to find ways to spend differently and find ways to make more money creatively. If you’ve found yourself in debt you need to learn how to spend […]
Balancing Your Lifestyle: Getting the Money Where You Want It
How much of your lifestyle is dictated by how much money you have? That’s right, a huge percentage of it! So it only makes sense that if your goal is to balance your lifestyle out, then you’re going to have to go after your personal finances first.
4 Credit Repair Solutions to Try Now
If you have poor credit, which is characterized as anything below 700, you’ll have a difficult time financially. Not only will it be hard to get a loan, but you’ll also likely spend more on things like rent and insurance premiums and rent.
How Debt Can Affect Your Family
Debt isn’t just your personal cross to bear. If you have a spouse or a family, they too will suffer from the debt that has been brought into their lives. Maybe you won’t be able to afford new school clothes for your children, or maybe you’ll lose your home or your car, which would leave […]