It’s no secret that credit card companies can be a little unscrupulous. There are all sorts of tricks that they use to ensure that they are making money from you in as many creative and ingenious ways as possible. For example, you may have assumed that making a larger payment than the monthly minimum would […]
Month: May 2015
Lesser-known national parks of USA
Gates of the Arctic, Alaska The Gates of the Arctic National Park is located in Alaska and is one of America’s finest national parks. The park is within the Arctic Circle and covers 39,460 sq km. That is almost the same size as the Netherlands. This is not a place for casual tourists: there are […]
Discover How You Can Incorporate Exercise into Your Working Day
Keeping up with an exercise regime takes a lot of dedication and discipline, and if you’re not careful you can easily fall behind in the gym. A ‘lack of time’ is the most common complaint from family men and people with busy jobs when it comes to working out, but this can’t be used as […]