As important as their own identity, sovereignty and autonomy is to their own citizens, independent principality nations such as Andorra and Monaco often present a very unique case when dealing with matters of immigration, global classification and even for travelling arrangements. As if just any sort of travelling isn’t enough of a nightmare of its […]
Month: May 2016
Getting Accurate Information About Addiction In the Information Age
One thing about the Information Age is that not all of the ‘information’ is accurate. In fact, most of it is probably blatantly false. Or at least unsourced. Because of how links are shared and assessed, it’s difficult to know what to believe without a good sense of how to follow sources back to ensure […]
How Athletes Move On After Suffering the Effects of Using Performance Enhancers
I’m by no means advocating any sort of banned substance use through this post, but I reckon it’s worth taking a look into the world of post-performance-enhancement use in professional athletes, particularly with regard to bodybuilders who notoriously turn towards taking anabolic steroids to beef up quickly and quite intensively.
5 Easy Ways To Escape Boredom
With so many things to do in the world, it’s amazing that anyone who isn’t just in basic survival mode is ever bored, but it’s sure that case where there are times when you’re going to say to yourself – ‘I wish there was something to do!’
Staying Fit With Crohn’s Disease: Tips For Exercising Safely
Exercise can benefit anyone, but when you suffer from a severe intestinal disorder like Crohn’s disease, jumping right into a fitness program can be dangerous. That’s why it’s important to approach any exercise regime with caution and consult your doctor to find out what they recommend.
Getting Your Gym Buddy to Be as Committed as You Are
Look, since I’m somewhat of an advocate for avoiding excuses such as not having a gym membership preventing you from achieving your fitness goals, “gym” in this instance is used as a verb and can be interchanged with anything that involves the act of exercising with one or more other people with whom you share […]