3 Reasons Why Theater Acting Is So Much Fun

If you’ve never set foot on stage, you’re really missing out. Acting can be one of the most enjoyable and fulfilling experiences for people young and old. It’s never too late to get involved in theater, and you can do it at any skill level. Whether you were active in your high school drama club, […]

Why the Grass Really Isn’t Greener on the other Side

Many truisms, such as the fact that the grass usually just looks greener on the other side, go on to become clichés, prompting us to lodge them in the back of our minds and yet we know the truth. Truths such as these should never become clichés, but because of the generally devious nature of […]

4 Signs You Hired a Lousy Lawyer

Although no one ever hopes to find themselves in need of a lawyer, sometimes it’s necessary. Perhaps you’re going through a divorce, or you’ve been accused of a crime. You’ll need to hire legal representation to defend you.