How to use clear braces effectively

Invisible orthodontics or clear braces in W1 have become more common amongst patients in London than ever before. It’s easy to see why, or perhaps we should say not so easy! They are subtle in public situations, easy to maintain and largely effective. Although there have been doubts about their effectiveness, studies into the use […]

What is facial aesthetics?

Ageing Ageing is a natural process unfortunately all of us have to go through. While numerous theories exist for the explanation of ageing, the picture is not yet complete. Much more biomedical research has to be carried out to understand ageing and try to alleviate it. One of these theories is the oxidative stress theory. […]

Invisalign at the Cosmetic and Dental Implant Clinic Stockton

Invisalign straightens teeth, but not only that, it does it quickly and is almost invisible which is what makes it the most sought after orthodontic treatment available at the Cosmetic and Dental Implant Clinic Stockton. It is most commonly used by adults who need to keep their orthodontic procedures discreet in professional environments, however active […]