If you’re going to school with the intent to become a lawyer in the future, you’ve likely thought a lot about this career choice. Because going into law requires a lot of education and determination, it’s important that you make this career choice confidently so that you don’t wind up wasting your time and money pursuing a field that you don’t actually love. For some people, the skills for being a good lawyer just come naturally. For others, it takes a bit more practice. So to help you see where you already excel or where you might need to build yourself up more, here are three personality traits that help to make someone a good lawyer.
A Creative Mind
While most people think of lawyers as people who can win any argument and maintain a vast knowledge for facts and information, there actually is more finesse to this career than many realize. Because of this, it pays to have a creative mind as well as a practical mind. According to Jamie Spannhake, a contributor to AttorneyAtWork.com, great attorneys are able to think outside the box for their clients. Just because something hasn’t been thought of in a certain way in the past doesn’t mean it won’t work in the present, and this is something the great lawyers understand and depend on.
An Impressive Communicator
Lawyer do a lot of communicating with many different people and governing bodies. With this communication, it’s vital that you’re able to effectively convey your thoughts and display the facts you’re presenting in a very straightforward and simple way. To best do this, Jeffrey Joyner, a contributor to Chron Small Business, shares that you have to be an impressive communicator. A great lawyer’s communication skills check boxes in all forms of communication, from written, verbal, and even body language and posturing. You should also be able to communicate with all types of people, from those whom you’re representing to those that are well accustomed with the legal system and its principle.
An Appreciation For Details
Being a superb lawyer is all about seeing and revealing the details of things. Because there are so many technicalities when it comes to the law, great lawyers are always looking into the minute details to help their case. HG.org shares that these skills most often present themselves in a knack for investigation and research, but you also need to notice when things seem a little off, a little too convenient, or a little too convoluted.
If you’re hoping to eventually have a career as a lawyer, consider if you have some of the personality traits and characteristics mentioned above that can take someone from just a decent lawyer to a truly extraordinary lawyer.