Home gym workouts

picSticking to a long term exercise program can be difficult, especially if the program requires you to go to the gym several times a week. Many people find that working out at home improves their chances of fitting their exercise regimen into their daily schedule. Home workouts are more convenient, require a smaller time commitment and are cheaper too.

Getting Started With Your Home Gym

The most difficult part of working out at home is figuring out what exercises to do. The exercise routine that you should follow will depend on your personal goals, as well as your exercise preferences. Someone who is training to get better at a specific sport will want to follow a different routine to someone who is interested in strength, aerobic fitness, or weight loss. An ideal home workout regime should combine complete body exercises with active stretching practices. Home gymnasiums are, therefore, a perfect place to begin your workouts. With a gradual growth and focus on online fitness programs, it is elementary that you are aware of what fitness program will be the perfect match for you. You could take a peek at the home fitness guides and home gym equipment suggestions on Home Gym Boss, to get you started on your journey of getting back into shape.

However you embark on any fitness routine, you should speak to your doctor. This is particularly important if you have been sedentary for a long time, or if you have any pre-existing medical conditions.

Finding a Good Workout

If you do not have a lot of exercise experience, it is not a good idea to try to come up with your own exercise routine. Rather than simply guessing which exercises work well together, you can consult with a Personal Trainer who can create an effective workout program for you.

If you are interested in aerobic fitness, weight loss, or just improving your overall fitness levels, consider investing in some workout DVDs. You can find DVDs for everything from step aerobics, yoga, and Pilates, to Zumba and other workout-to-music routines. These routines are fun, entertaining, and a good workout.

You can also check out fitness blogs on websites like steffimarth, where you can find recommendations from a fitness expert for online workout videos, training apps, stretching and relaxation exercises, and recovery tools. If you are aiming for low-intensity fitness programs, you could try brisk walking, jogging, and cycling, which can help you to consistently achieve fitness goals without over-exerting yourself.

If you are more interested in strength training, there are lots of pre-designed weight-lifting routines available online. Pick a program and stick to it for at least six to eight weeks. Do not get demoralized if the routine does not feel like it is working in the short term. It can take time to see results, and if you jump from routine to routine without giving any of them a chance to work, you will hamper your progress.


During the early stages of working out at home, it can be tempting to try to train every single day. This is not a good idea! If you train too often, you could burn out and get bored, or you could injure yourself.

Try to limit yourself to no more than five days a week or short, intense workouts. If you are following someone else’s routine and they recommend fewer workouts, then follow their recommendations. If you have excess energy and want to exercise more often you should limit the workouts you do on the other days to low or moderate intensity. Consider joining live workouts online class for managing the routine better. With a professional trainer, you won’t have to feel like you are working out too much.

After following a workout routine for a few months you may notice that your progress plateaus. At that point you should re-evaluate your goals and make sure that your diet is correct and that you are getting enough rest. If you are sure that your diet is good and that you’re getting enough sleep, but you are still not making progress with your training then you can look at changing up your routine or adding new exercises.