How investing in new windows can save your family money

No, really, investing in new windows can save you money in the long run. The average home can lose a third of its heat through poor windows, regardless of the season! Those cold drafts that you feel during winter are still there – they’re just far less noticeable during the warmer summer months. And that cool air you’re trying to pump through your home to counter those warmer temperatures? That’s also going straight out of the window.

By choosing new, high-quality and energy-efficient windows such as those from Polar Bear Windows, you are likely to see a significant saving in your energy bills. This is because replacement windows are often made with energy-efficient glass, which reduces the flow of hot and cold air in and out of your home all year round. With this, you are able to manage the energy usage in your home.

Replacing your windows

If you do decide to replace your windows, you must make several decisions about the type of windows you purchase and the type of replacement you will make. However, whether you’re replacing double hung windows or windows of a different kind, you will need a professional installation company and a good idea as to what you want putting in. Decisions you will need to make will include frame type, glazing type, operation type, gas fills and spacers.

For instance, if you happen to live in a storm- prone area, like Florida, you might consider getting impact windows installed. The long-term savings and benefits can make the installation of impact windows in Hollywood, a cost-effective investment. By preventing water intrusion and structural damage during severe weather, impact windows can save homeowners from costly repairs. Also, they are typically designed to be energy-efficient, helping to lower heating and cooling bills. The durability of impact windows means less frequent repairs or replacements compared to standard windows, thus providing long-term savings.

Having said that, along with choosing the window type, you must consider design, labelling, warranties, energy use, and a proper window installation service. It’s advisable to look for the energy star label when choosing new windows before reviewing ratings on the energy performance level from the National Fenestration Rating Council (NFRC) to find the best windows for your home. Such ratings are included on all energy star certified windows and are a reliable way to determine a window’s energy properties, making it easier to compare different windows.

Various coatings

As well as energy star and NFRC labels, there are other factors to consider. If you find that your house gets rather cold, you should consider choosing gas-filled windows with low E-coatings, as this helps to minimise heat loss and in warmer weather, the coating will help to reduce heat gain.

If it’s greater thermal resistance you are after, a low U-factor window should be your choice, as this is the rate at which a window will conduct non-solar heat flow. Similarly, a low solar heat gain coefficient (SHGC) coating is also advisable, as this is a measure of solar radiation penetrated through a window; low SHGCs reduce heat gain in warm climates. Windows with both low U-factors and low SHGCs maximise energy savings in moderate climates with equally hot and cold seasons.

Regardless of how energy-efficient your new window it is, it must be installed properly to ensure maximum energy efficiency and comfort. Windows should always be installed by trained professionals in accordance with the pane manufacturer’s instructions. Indeed, a failure to do so can lead to a voided warranty, which is going to do the opposite of saving you money should anything go wrong.

The installations of the window will vary from house to house, as this depends on construction, whether the house is wood, masonry, whether it features cladding and so on. And of course, you can never entirely prepare for or predict the weather in Britain.